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Below is a growing collection of videos and artifacts about AfroBots. This page will help viewers/competition judges better understand the AfroBots founding team, our personalities, background, and commitment to the AfroBots company mission. This page also serves as a journal of our team's activities and is a living update of the AfroBots (ad)venture.

60sec audio introducing the AfroBots founders & company mission
- Janice "Dr. J" Newsum, PhD
Chief Education Officer
[ The AfroBots mission: dramatically increase the representation of Black/African/African-American talent in fields related to digital automation/AI.  Empower the next generation of Black automation/AI entrepreneurs and to enable our Community's job readiness / competitiveness for the Global Digital Workforce. ]

AfroBots CEO, Dwayne Clarke, & AfroBots CTO, Floyd Newsum, speaking on the topic of STEM youth diversity

(2021 0225)


The above 3 minute video includes clips from a talk Dwayne and Floyd gave at the Teen Science Cafe  for #eweek2021 hosted by Kemet Educational Services / Science, Engineering and Mathematics Link Inc, (Tokiwa Smith & Carlyn Pounders)

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Venture Capitalist Kai-Fu Lee says: " Prepare for AI-Related Disruption" (WSJ news article)


(2021 0302) Wall Street Journal

"Dr. Kai-Fu Lee, chairman and chief executive of venture-capital firm Sinovation Ventures and author of “AI Superpowers: China, Silicon Valley and the New World Order,” maintains that AI “will wipe out a huge portion of work as we’ve known it.” [ Read the full article HERE ]



AfroBots Automation/AI Marketplace (5min vendor demo)


This 5 minute video provides an overview of one of the AfroBots "Black-owned automation/AI" marketplace vendors:  

the AEIOYOU© Automation Center of Excellence (COE) Web Portal [ a Black owned automation tech company.  AfroBots is the exclusive marketplace agent for the AEIOYOU© COE portal. ]



90sec AfroBots App MVP demo


Note: see on-going updates to the AfroBots App MVP in "real-time" at


[ Feel free to register a Figma account and leave us comments and feedback on the AfroBots App ! The AfroBots team would luv to get your feedback on features to add (or remove) from our MVP. Thanks in advance! ]



"Throwback Thursday" - Listen to Andrew Yang & Van Jones explain why the AfroBots mission is critically important (sharing on Thu 2021 0304 an interview from 2019 0830)


"I say this to the Black Live Matter folks all the time... I'm concerned about the racists; I'm much more concerned about the robots!"

-Van Jones



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AfroBots submits application for the Department for International Trade's (DIT) Global Entrepreneur Programme (GEP) - UK EdTech Pitching Competition (2021 0304)


The Global Entrepreneur Programme is running a competition for EdTech Companies to pitch to a panel of UK industry experts. The winner will receive a package of support to help them explore and enter the UK market, analysing their product-market fit and helping them to find traction.  One of the world's leading automation tool companies was founded and is based in the UK. [ AfroBots did not fail to notice that the advertisment for this competition only included white kids. ;-) ]

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Diversity and Inclusion in AI: Forbes Article (2021 0318)


A new article about "Diversity and Inclusion in AI" just published in Forbes highlights the critical importance of creating solutions like the AfroBots platform. 


Key excerpts: "Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a major catalyst in driving the next revolution. The rate of progress in the field of artificial intelligence is exponentially increasing and impacting our lives like never before. ...  An AI Now study revealed that ... less than 5% of the staff at Facebook, Google and Microsoft are Black, while Black workers in the U.S. as a whole make represent roughly 12% of the workforce. Due to the lack of diverse engineers and researchers, the products that are developed and used by billions of users may result in the propagation of bias on a large scale. Hence, inclusion and diversity in AI are crucial." 



For more information and/or to schedule a demo, please contact us here. 

Thanks for submitting!

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